Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Produksi Mesin


Research Development and Projects

Design and Manufacture Low-Cost Test Mandel Taper Shank Morse 04 and Between Center

  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Yatna Yuwana Martawirya
  • Nur Asmiahusna S.T
  • Suryandaru Martawirya S.T.

Test mandrel is a standard measuring instrument used as an inspection tool in the manufacture and testing of new machine tools or repairing the old machines. Test mandrels are usually made in a specific industry, so the selling price of test mandrel is high. In addition, the use of a test mandrel that very rarely makes test mandrel is not something worth the investment. In this study, the test mandrel is made using simple processes. This is intended to determine whether the test can be made using a simple process but can meet the quality required by ISO 230-1: 1996.
The test mandrel is made through a lathe, a cylindrical grinding process and a chromium coating process, then a cylindrical grinding process as a finishing process. After that, the test is carried out to find out some of the geometric specifications required under ISO 230-1: 1996. After that, the test results compare with the provisions of ISO and are analyzed based on theory and experiment.
After the measurement, the test mandrel that has been made can only meet some of the required geometric specifications. The results of the measurements show that the test mandrel can only meet three of six geometry requirements. This is because the lathe process carried out is still not fully ideal.

Parametric Design for Conventional Lathe Gearbox with Workpiece Volume as Input Parameter

  • Dr. Eng. Agung Wibowo
  • Vieri Gunawan ST
  • Kurniawan Aji Muhammad, MT

Machine tools are machines that are used during a process to produce an object with certain specifications. The main function of machine tools is to cut, shape, and reduce a workpiece into the desired shape [1]. A machine tool is designed to have certain specifications according to their respective needs and goals. The most important aspects in designing a machine tool are rigidity and precision. It takes a certain stiffness and precision value in accordance with the needs of the machine.
Along with the development of the industrial world today, the need for machine tools is also increasing both for industrial purposes and for educational purposes. This causes the required machine tools to vary both in terms of dimensions, stiffness, and machine precision. On the other hand, changing the dimensions of machine tools will require a new design that still meets the criteria and will take a lot of time. So as a solution to this inefficient process a design concept was developed which was adopted from the fields of architecture to create new designs while maintaining the value of certain specifications called the parametric design concept.
Parametric design is a concept that defines the shape of an object or component using parameters. Conceptually, parametric design can explore the shape of the object by simply changing one or two parameters without repeating the design process from scratch. The output of this concept is a parametric design model that can be used to produce new designs with different dimensions but still meet the desired criteria. In this paper, a parametric design analysis of manual lathes will be carried out, namely on the transmission system and completing the parametric design relationships between the components described in the parametric model of the manual lathe transmission system.

Development of Energy Measurement Module In Conventional Machine Tools and Master Control Module to Support the Implementation of Industry 4.0

  • Dr. Sri Raharno, S.T., M.T.

Currently, the world of manufacturing has entered a new era, namely the Industry 4.0 era, which has the main objectives, among others, to increase efficiency, reduce waste and reduce production costs. The application of the Industry 4.0 paradigm requires basic requirements, namely that all production elements such as production equipment, operators and workpieces must have intelligence. In this study, two methods are used to bring intelligence to production elements.
First, by making a monitoring module to record energy usage on machine tools so that the data can be processed to become useful information.
Second, by making master control module to implement the Configurable Virtual Workstation framework to guarantee the supply of data from the production floor and process it into useful information.

Development of a Robotic Machining System Using Yaskawa Motoman SIA 10D Robot

  • Ir. Indrawanto M.Eng., Ph.D
  • Jaswin S.T

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) plays an important role in manufacturing industries. CAM offers several advantages, namely, cost-saving, shorter lead time, and ease of management. CAM systems generally consist of the main processor, a post-processor, and numerical control (NC) machine. CAM systems using conventional NC machines have several drawbacks. These drawbacks include small workspace compared to equipment size, and lack of flexibility when dealing with complex part geometries.
To mitigate these drawbacks, robots are often chosen as an alternative to NC machines during CAM. A typical 6-axis robot arm can reach the workpiece from multiple orientations, circumventing the need to reorient the work object during manufacturing operations. This advantage saves the time and manpower needed to recalibrate the machine whenever a workpiece is moved. Moreover, robots have a large workspace in comparison to their size, taking up less space on a shop floor. Additionally, choosing a robot over a conventional machine tool may be done for economical reasons. A robot that can perform 5-axis machining costs lower than a 5-axis machine tool with comparable workspace.

Development of CNC Spindle Bearing Loads Monitoring System for Maintenance Purposes

  • Dr. Tri Prakosa
  • Herman Budi Harja
  • Andrian S. Januartha

The wear of CNC machine tolls components, such as spindle bearings, ball screw shaft bearings, ball screw and linear motion (LM) guides, significantly affect the machine tools geometric accuracy. The wears are generally monitored by periodic geometric measurement accompanied by vibration measurement. In Industrie 4.0 era, online parameters monitoring is demanded. However, most of CNC machine tools have not yet been designed for the purposes. Nevertheless, the problems could be solved by developing additional interfaces, as well as some software, for bridging between the online monitoring server and corresponding machines.
By using previoully developed interfaces for monitoring cutter location (CL) data, spindle rotational speed and spindle motor current, spindle bearings (drive-end and non-drive-end ) loads can be calculated in realtime. In addition to cutter location (CL) data (x, y and z positions), spindle rotational speed, spindle motor current, the system required informations upon cutter informations and certain spindle dimensions.
Similar procedure could be extended for calculating bearings load for x-axis components as well as y-axis components. Further, based on lateral bearing loads (Fx and Fy), axial load (Fz) and spindle rotational speed, bearings lifes (C10) could be calculated, and this could be beneficial to the online monitoring research as well as machine tools maintenance research.


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